In these extracts from the Hereford papers I am including only items that show life on the canal. I am not showing notices of meetings of the Canal Company and various reports of railway takeovers. Nothing of interest can be found before 1832, I can hardly believe there were no accidents or pilfering, or even adverts, before then and can only assume reporting must have taken on a more local flavour after that date.

Hereford Journal 21st March 1832

A Large STOCK of SALT of the best quality is now for sale at the New Salt-House, Ledbury Wharf. Through the cheapness of Water Carriage the price is 28s per ton. A supply as at the Salt Works may be depended on.

Hereford Times May 10th 1834

On Wednesday, the body of an old man, named Vale, was found in the paddle hole of the lock leading out of the basin of the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal at Ledbury. The unfortunate man left his home the Saturday previous, and was returning in the evening, when, it is supposed, his foot slipped in passing over the plank at the top of the lock gates. The party, in search of him were attracted to the spot, where he was found from the circumstances of his dog barking having been heard howling in the neighbourhood on the Saturday evening and also on the following days.

Hereford Journal August 12th 1835

Henry Pink and Jas. Ealey were charged with stealing a cwt of coal, value 1s, from a stack of coal on Ledbury Wharf, belonging to Mr Mailes of that town. The principal witness against the prisoners was a boy name Titus Powell, who had been sent by his master Mr Pitt of the Trumpet, and stated that the two prisoners supplied him with a hundred weight of coal from a stack on the Wharf, and received 10d for it. Ealey in his defence said he was authorised by Mr Webb who had coal immediately adjoining Mailes's to sell for him; and that it was from his stack the cwt. was taken. It appeared that Ealey had been authorised, as he stated, but the boy swore positively that it was from Mr Mailes's stack which was pointed out to him next morning, the coal was taken. After some consideration, a part of the jury gave in a verdict of Not Guilty; but the clerk of the Arraigns observing that some of them were still deliberating, remarked that they must be unanimous; after some consideration they were directed to retire and come to a decision: in the mean time another jury was sworn, and proceeded with another trial: after some time the former jury came into court, and asking a question of a witness, again retired; in three quarters of an hour they returned and declared both prisoners NOT GUILTY.

Hereford Times July 22nd 1837

Agency of John Hayes, for Thomas Hayes, determined.
Notice is hereby given, that John Hayes, of Ledbury Wharf, in the County of Hereford, is not authorised by me, the undersigned, Thomas Hayes, of Dymock, in the County of Gloucester, to purchase or sell Goods, or contact on Credit, or to transact any other business for me, as my agent, or otherwise. Dated this 21st day of July 1837
Thomas Hayes

Hereford Journal March 21st 1838
Wm Parsons was charged with stealing at Ledbury one hundred weight and a half of coals, the property of William Restells. Mr Cooke called the prosecutor, who stated that on the 2nd of January he had a boat at the Ledbury Wharf and there were some coals in it; he left the coal in charge of the prisoner; afterwards he missed some of the coal, and prisoner on being asked about it, said he had burned it. Wm James said that he saw Parsons at the Ledbury Wharf on the 2nd of January, and there bought of him some coal which he stated to be his own, and for which he gave him 6d and a gallon of cider. Prisoner in his defence said that Mr Restell allowed him to sell coal, which the latter positively denied. Verdict. Guilty. Four months imprisonment, first and last fortnights to be solitary.
Hereford Times August 3rd 1839
CHARGE OF STEALING WINE Ambrose Webb, captain, and Edward Fletcher, bargeman, were severally charged, on suspicion, with stealing on the 10th July, a quantity of wine, the property of Joseph Antonio, innkeeper, Ledbury, from a shed within the curtilage of his dwelling house.
Mr Skinner conducted the prosecution and Mr Cooke the defence.
The prosecutor deposed: I have a shed adjoining my house; it is enclosed, and kept locked up; visited it, on the 10th July between seven and eight o'clock in the morning; the door was fastened with a padlock; found the staple had been drawn; there was a cask of Port wine in the shed which I had seen the night before; I had locked the door, and kept the key in my pocket; I examined as to the contents of the cask by sounding it and was convinced that a quantity of wine had been extracted; the head of the cask had been reversed, and it had been plugged in several places; I drew a sample of the wine and gave it to a policeman, and also gave him information of what had taken place.
Cross examined by Mr Cooke: I have bought sufficient wine to be a judge of it; the shed adjoins the brewhouse, and is built of wood; the prisoner Webb rendered me all the assistance he could to apprehend the men suspected; it was new wine when I bought it and had been in my possession eighteen months.
By the Judge: There is a passage between my house and the shed ; the house and brewhouse are connected by a door, which fills the space at the end of the passage.
Cristall, policeman, Ledbury; in consequence of information received, I went to Ledbury wharf with prosecutor, about 9 o'clock in the morning of the 10th July and there found two boats hauled under the bridge; Webb had the command of them; they were Nos. 1 and 2, and his name was upon them; in No 1 I found these two jars, containing wine, which I now produce, under a piece of canvas; in No 2 I found this cask in the fore-part of the boat, and which I now produce; Webb was at the weighing machine, at the top of the wharf, and he came to me; I asked him how the wine came to be in his boat, and he said he did not know, he knew nothing about it; I did not know Fletcher before this happened; I apprehended him about 11 o'clock the same night, in Worcester; Mr Antonio gave me a sample of wine out of the cask.
Cross examined by Mr Cooke: I tasted both the sample and the wine I found; they were the same in colour and taste; the conclusion I came to was that they were both new wines; I expressed to Mr Webb my wish to find Fletcher, and he rendered me every assistance; a man named Willis was suspected, he absconded, and I followed after him twelve miles beyond Stourport, and I have not been able to apprehend him; Thomas Wall was also apprehended, and entered into his own recognizance to appear, if called upon; Fletcher and Webb have both been out upon bail; Worcester is 17 miles from where I found the cask.
By the Judge: The boat's crew consisted of Webb, Wall, Willis and Fletcher.
Henry Pink of Ledbury: I was at Ledbury Cross about half past five o'clock in the morning on the 10th July; while standing there Fletcher came past with an empty sack across his shoulder; he was going in the direction of Hereford, down the town, not in the direction of prosecutor's house; I spoke to him when he was going down the town, and asked him where he was going; he replied he was going after potatoes; I saw him afterwards at the wharf, in the “value” of half an hour; he had a sack, which appeared to contain a vessel instead of potatoes; I should think it was a 14 or 15 gallon vessel; I made mention of it the Friday following before the magistrates; Fletcher said, “you have caps'd me, I only had two or three cabbages in the bag” I do not know what “caps” means.
Cross examined by Mr Cooke: I suppose what I said before the magistrates was taken down in writing; four roads meet at Ledbury Cross; where Mr Antonio lives is the road towards Newent; where I saw Fletcher going was in an opposite direction, the road towards Hereford; I saw Willis the same morning at the Wharf; he was there before Fletcher came.
By the Judge: Ledbury Cross is about half a mile from prosecutor's house, did not notice how far Fletcher went down the street; did not see what was in the sack at the wharf; can judge that it contained a vessel because it appeared one entire bulk; I saw him at the wharf in about half an hour from the time I saw him at the Cross; it was the same morning the wine was found in the boat; I was about five yards from him, and am sure prisoner is the same man.
Mr Antonio recalled by Judge: This is a sample which I drew from the wood; being an innkeeper, I should think I was a judge of wine.
Cross examined by Mr Cooke: I had the cask 18 months; tasted it when it came to me; it was not the least different the morning some of it was missing; the drawing it out of the cask in the shed, putting it into another cask, and carrying it into the boat, would muddy and flatten it.
By the Judge: I looked at the wine found in the boat.
By Mr Cooke: It was muddy after being disturbed; I tasted the wine in the shed, but not the wine in the boat; I merely smelled the latter; “I tasted the flavour of the smell” what I found in my own cask was also muddy, from being disturbed.
By Mr Skinner: Having dealt in wine some years, I am enabled to speak of it by the smell.
By the Judge: I have no doubt that the wine found in the boat was wine from my cask; I did not smell or touch the wine in the jars; merely smelled that in the cask.
In answer to a question from Mr Cooke, his Lordship observed “ I hardly think there is a case against Webb ”. Mr Cooke then addressed the Jury on behalf of the prisoners.
Policeman Cristall recalled by the Judge: From the Cross to the Wharf is about half a mile; from Mr Antonio's to the wharf is about 20 yards.
His Lordship summed up the evidence and the Jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.

Hereford Times December 25th 1841:
ACCIDENT: A man of the name of Stubbins had the finger of one of his hands pinched off, by the cogged wheels of a crane on the Ledbury wharf.

Hereford Times July 30th 1842
ASSAULT: On Thursday last Jane Holder, alias Miss Trowsers, a precious gem of Bye Street summoned Caroline Gale, a very lovely flower of the same locality, for assaulting her in the street. Miss Caroline was ordered, by the magistrates, to pay 8s 6d, which included expenses.
MISS CAROLINE GALE AGAIN: Miss Caroline, who was on Thursday last the defendant, appeared this day (Tuesday), as a complainant, and preferred a charge against Mrs Charlotte Hope of Bye Street of pushing her and a male companion into the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire canal. Mrs Hope denied the charge, and brought forward several witnesses to prove her innocence. From the evidence of the parties, it would appear that Miss Caroline, and her companion, were both in such a state of intoxication, that they walked direct into the canal without any person touching them, and then fancied she had been pushed in by the party who was nearest to her. Miss Caroline was equally unfortunate as complainant, as when she was defendant, for she was ordered to pay the expenses, which amounted to 8s 6d, but the lady declared she would sooner revisit her old quarters than submit to such a thing. She was allowed a short time to consider the matter and decide which of the two steps she would take.

Hereford Times Saturday June 24th 1843
BATHING IN THE CANAL: Notwithstanding the notices which are posted on the several bridges near the town, to caution parties against bathing in the Canal, the practice, we are sorry to say, still continues. It is scarcely possible to conceive a more pleasant walk than that along the banks of the new portion of the Canal; and it seems a particularly favourite one with the females, especially on the Sabbath evening. But many are obliged to forego the pleasure on account of its being converted into a public bathing station; the practice of bathing there not being merely resorted to by boys, but by fellows who are old enough to know better. We trust that the constables will sometimes take a walk by the canal side on a Sunday evening, and bring to justice offenders of this description

Hereford Times July 5th 1845
CHARGE OF STEALING POLES: William Lisseman was charged with stealing poles, the property of Mr Benjamin Bills, at Ledbury. The prisoner was employed by the prosecutor as waggoner to convey bark to the Ledbury Canal wharf; in loading the bark poles are required, and a quantity of these poles prisoner sold, contending they were his perquisite. The prosecutor considered that the prisoner was not entitled to them, and that they were his property. The jury acquitted the prisoner.

Hereford Times Saturday 9th August 1845
NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING: On Thursday se'nnight, a boy, between eleven and twelve years of age, fell into the canal, at the mouth of one of the locks, near Bye street wharf. He could swim a little, but, instead of attempting to reach the land, swam into the lock, and made several ineffectual attempts to climb up the lock door. Mr Benjamin Goodwin, being near, put down the end of a long pole to him, of which he caught hold. The lock was then filled with water, and as the water was loosed in, the boy, whose name is William Kent, was gradually drawn up, and, after receiving a good ducking, released from his perilous situation. We wonder much that many more accidents do not happen in the neighbourhood of Bye street; for there, at any time of the day, may be seen children, who can but just walk, tottering along, at the water's edge, without any attendant able to protect them from danger. Such shameful neglect in parents is highly reprehensible.

Hereford Times Saturday November 1st 1845
FORTUNATE ESCAPE FROM DROWNING. On Friday last, two girls, each about 10 or 11 years of age, one of them carrying an infant of about 15 months old in her arms, attempted to cross a plank placed across an arm of the canal, made for the reception of canal boats, at the Bye street wharf, when the three were precipitated nto the water. Fortunately for them some persons who were on the wharf went to their assistance, and rescued them from what would otherwise soon have proved their watery grave.

Hereford Times January 8th 1848:
LEDBURY: CHARGE OF STEALING COAL. Anne Davies,alias, Webb, aged 36, who can neither read or write, was placed in the dock, charged with having, on the 7th and 8th days of December last, stolen a quantity of coal, the property of Mr William Godwin.
Mr Skinner conducted the prosecution and Mr Cooke defended the prisoner. Mr William Shead was the first witness called, who deposed that he is a police-superintendent for the Ledbury district, and knows Mr Godwin, the prosecutor, and his stack of coal on the Ledbury wharf; he also knows the prisoner at the bar and her stack of coals; in consequence of information which he received, he went to the wharf and saw Mrs. Webb (the prisoner) lock the gate of her coal-wharf ; another person was passing near the wharf; in two minutes after the other person had passed witness saw the defendant pass from her own yard to Mr Godwin's stack of coal and take a lump there from; witness then went up to her, took her into custody, and told her she had a lump of Mr Godwin's coal; to which accusation prisoner replied “Lor, Mr Shead” the prisoner then told witness she merely took a lump to try it, and said “ God bless you, don't say anything about it”.
This witness then underwent a long and searching cross examination by Mr Cooke, from which it was elicited that the prisoner, when taken into the presence of the prosecutor, averred that the prosecutor had borrowed between one and two tons of coals of her (a fact which was eventually acknowledged by the prosecutor), and which he had not repaid her. Mr Godwin deposed: I am a coal merchant resident at Ledbury, and have a stack of coals standing near the coal stack of prisoner; Shead brought some coal and the prisoner to me, and she fell down on her knees and asked me to forgive her; prisoner and myself had been in the habit of accommodating each other with coal; I den ied at first that I owed the prisoner any coal, but on reference to my book I found that I owed her one ton and two hundred weight and a half; I think the lump of coal taken from the prisoner and brought to me is about 20lbs in weight.
Mr Cooke addressed the jury for the defence, remarking upon the great improbability that a woman, in so extensive line of business as was the defendant, and maintaining a high character, should stoop to the commission of suck a crime as that laid to her charge by the prosecutor;he put it to the jury whether it was more probable that the version which had been given to the affair by the prisoner was not more likely to be correct, and that, in consequence of the prosecutor owing her coal, and she being required to send a sample of coal to a customer, and her own stack being low, she, thinking the prosecutor would return what he owed her, took a lump from his stock to send a sample to her customer. After the learned Chairman had carefully summed up, the jury returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY

Hereford Times December 2nd 1848:
LEDBURY: MAN FOUND DEAD IN CANAL BOAT. Mr Underwood held an inquest at Ledbury on Saturday last, to institute an enquiry respecting the death of John Alford. It appeared from the evidence of John Napper, that he was at work on the previous day at the canal wharf at Ledbury, when a man named Jennings told him that there was a man I the boat “in a very odd queer way if he was not dead”. Napper then went into the boat and found the deceased, whom he had known for four or five years, on the “ side bed” which is a bench on which the men sit or lie. Deceased's head was under a sort of cupboard, and his legs stretched out at full length. Napper felt his body which was quite warm, and then his pulse, but it did not beat, and he observed to Jennings that the man was dead. A surgeon was sent for and attended but the man was quite dead. It appears that the deceased got on board the boat at Newent, and that he was then tipsy. Napper thought, from the position in which he saw the body, that the deceased must have fallen into the cabin when he was tipsy and that the fall must have caused his death. Deceased was a single man, 26 years of age, and his friend reside in Newent. The jury returned a verdict of “ Found Dead”.

Hereford Times Saturday February 16th 1850

Bye Street Ledbury Herefordshire
Two nearly new Canal Boats, called the George and Sarah Ann, both with sails and Severn tackle complete; the one with false flooring, stand and planks for loose grain: each 71 feet from stem to stern, and breadth 7 feet; with every necessary rigging thereunto belonging: Live and Dead Stock; two superior Timber Carriages; narrow Cart, light Gig, Gearing, 10½ doz. Of Hurdles, large Pipe, Hogsheads, Barrels, Ale , Porter and Cider, 100 gallons new Copper Furnace, Iron ditto, 2-motion Beer Engine, and 90 feet of Piping, Household Furniture, Bedding, Linen and other effects. Will be sold by auction on the 19th and 20th February 1850 at The Brewery Bye Street Ledbury Late the property of Mr George Clay

Hereford Times May 18th 1850

INSOLVENT DEBTOR to be heard before the Judge of the County Court of Gloucestershire at the SHIRE HALL, in the city of Gloucester, on Monday, the 10th day of June 1850, at Ten o'clock in the Morning precisely. GEORGE CLAY, the Younger, (sued and detained and commonly known as George Clay) formerly of Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire, first a Coal and Hay Dealer, then a Coal and Hay Dealer and Retailer of beer, Cider and Tobacco; then of Bye-street, Ledbury, Herefordshire, Coal, Timber and Bark Dealer; then of the Brewery Inn or Beer-house Bye-street, Ledbury aforesaid, Retailer of Beer, Cider and Tobacco, Coal, Timber, and Bark Dealer, Charcoal Burner, and occasional Carrier by water and Hay Dealer; then staying at the Bridge-End Beer-house, Bye-street, Ledbury aforesaid, Dealer in Hay and Coal and late in Lodgings in the same Street, Dealer in Coal, Hay, and Wood and carrier of Freight by Water.
Insolvent's Attorney, Gloucester

Hereford Times June 28th 1851:
INQUEST LEDBURY: CHILD DROWNED On Wednesday last, at the Bridge Inn Ledbury, on the body of Sarah Holloway, a child about six years old. It appeared that the unfortunate little girl was the daughter of Joseph Holloway, of the Burcott Row Hereford, an owner of boats trading on the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal, who has three other children besides the deceased. One of his little girls was staying in Ledbury and had been ill with the measles. The father took his two sons and the deceased to Ledbury to see their sister. The children were left in a boat on the canal, and it is supposed that the deceased, coming on deck, fell overboard, but no one saw her drowned. Her body was found by her afflicted father and a man named George Baldwin, in about five feet of water. The poor child was quite dead when discovered. Deceased, who was a remarkably quick and intelligent child, attended Miss Venn's school, where she was only on Friday last, and her aptitude for learning caused her to be a great favourite with her instructress. She was only taken from Hereford on Sunday last, and early on Monday morning was, alas, a corpse. Her parents are deeply afflicted. The verdict of the jury was: Found Drowned.

Hereford Times August 9th 1851:
DREADFUL ACCIDENT. It is this week out painful duty to record a shocking accident which befel Mr Joseph Holloway, of Woodyard Cottage, near Burcott Row in this city. The unfortunate sufferer is an owner of boats, with which he trades on the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire canal. We hear that, on Sunday last, he was at Ledbury, and was making use of a crane for the purpose of loading or unloading, when some heavy substance fell from the top of the crane, and alighting upon his ankle smashed it to a dreadful degree. Surgical assistance was immediately had recourse to, but amputation was found to be necessary, and the poor man's leg was amputated below the calf. It must be fresh in the recollection of our readers that, a few weeks ago, Mr Holloway had an interesting little girl drowned in the canal at Ledbury. This second sad event making the proverb correct that “misfortunes seldom come singly”.

Hereford Times May 12th 1855

Having determined to relinquish his Business as a Builder, Timber and Slate Merchant, which he has carried on in Ledbury nearly 20 years, offers for SALE, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, his DWELLING HOUSE, Timber Yard, Carpenters and Joiners Shops, Saw-pit House, Ware and Store Houses, Stable, Gig-house, Counting-house and Ironmongery Room and Premises now in his occupation, situate in the Bye-street, Ledbury.
Immediate possession may be had. The Premises are near to the Ledbury Wharf on the Hereford and Gloucester Canal; are specially adapted for the above named business, the buildings having been substantially erected for the purpose, and being in an excellent state of repair. The STOCK-IN-TRADE, consisting of a general assortment of TIMBER in the rough and sawn, Deal and other planks, Elm and Oak boards, Scaffolding, Broseley Goods, Ironmongery and Trade Implements, may be taken to at a valuation.

ROBERT BALLARD. On retiring from his trade as a Builder, Timber and Slate Merchant, begs to return his thanks to his friends for the support and patronage he has received, and to inform them, he will continue to carry on the manufacture of Bricks, Culverts and Draining Tiles,, and Draining Pipes, at his yard in New-street Ledbury.
LEDBURY May 10th 1855

Hereford Times September 1st 1855:
CHARGE OF STEALING PLANKS On Friday two persons, employed in the working of a canal boat, respectively named William Emery and Morris Bishop, were brought up in custody of our active Superintendent Shead, charged with having stolen on the 24th August 1855, from the old wharf, in this parish, two timber planks the property of Messrs. Letheren and Stamp, timber merchants and contractors for the Royal Navy.
One of the prosecutors, Thomas Letheren, on being sworn, deposed as follows: I am a timber merchant, and live at Alphington, near Exeter; on Friday morning, the 24th August, I missed some planks from the Ledbury Old Wharf, in this county, and found they had been tushed or dragged from the stack and put under the crane; we followed a boat, of which we had suspicion, and found the planks on board it; our own private mark is on each of the planks “T.S.”, they belong to myself and my partner Thomas Stamp. James Organ, a workman in the employ of Messrs. Letheren and Stamp, was then examined and deposed that he went to the timber yard at the Old Wharf, at Ledbury, at about half-past six o'clock on the morning of Friday 24th August, when he found that some of the planks had been dragged about the yard; witness traced the tracks to the heap or pile of planks, he (witness) missed one from one pile and one from another, and having seen the planks in the constable's possession could positively swear they were his masters' property from the fact of the mark being upon them; witness stacked the planks in the timber yard himself and when he saw them on the Thursday night, preceding the robbery, they were all right; he took particular notice of it.
Superintendent Constable William Shead, upon being sworn, deposed as follows: I went to the Old Wharf, in Ledbury, on Friday morning the 24th ult and saw marks of planks having been removed by a donkey; found that only one boat had passed up the canal with a donkey; I went to Canon Frome, about seven miles from Ledbury,the same morning, and went on board the prisoners' boat, which was going up the canal towards Hereford, from Ledbury; I stayed on the boat until I saw the prosecutor Letheren, when I called his attention to a mark on the side of the boat, and asked him to turn up the tarpaulin; he did so, and in my presence found the planks which are now in my possession; the prisoners said they knew nothing about the planks; they were the only persons on board the boat; they told me they had stopped at the Old Wharf in going up the canal, and had left Newent between 7 and 8 o'clock last night, passing the Ledbury locks at five o'clock on the morning of Friday; the prisoner Emery had the management of the boat.
The prisoners, who in their defence said they did not know how the planks came into the boat, were committed for trial.

Hereford Times October 13th 1855

Messrs. Jones and Hartland are instructed by Messrs. Stamp and Letheren to SELL by AUCTION, on Thursday, the 18th day of October, 1855, at the Lower Canal Wharf, Ledbury, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, a RICK of excellent BARK, well harvested, containing about 108 tons; a ditto at Newent, about 36 tons; a ditto at Gloucester, about 10 tons. A quantity of Oak Timber Trees, Navy Sidings, Edgings of Plank, Slabs, and Cord Wood, in 90 lots.
Particulars of which are described in Catalogues, to be obtained at the Offices of the Auctioneers, Ledbury. Credit for the Bark will be given on approved security.

Hereford Times March 15th 1856

CIDER and PERRY. WANTED, a few Thousand Gallons of Rich, Sweet and Bright CIDER and PERRY.- Apply to Mr. John Hook, Canal Wharf, Ledbury; or Mr. Robert Smallwood, Cider and Perry Merchant, Worcester Wharf, Birmingham

Hereford Times August 28th 1858

Mr. Philip Baylis will SELL by AUCTION on Tuesday 31st August, 1858, at the New Inn, in the Town of Ledbury, at Four o'clock in the afternoon, by the direction of the proprietors, and subject to conditions:-
TWO COTTAGES, with gardens adjoining, situate near the Canal Wharf, Bye-street, in the town of Ledbury, in the occupation of Richard Woodyatt; bounded on the south and west by the said wharf, and the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal, on the east by property belonging to Miss Shaw, and on the north by the said street.

Hereford Journal July 20th 1867
On Saturday last, Henry Underwood Esq., and a Jury held an inquest at the house of Daniel Pinchin, a labouring man, of Ledbury, as to the death of a lad named Daniel Pinchin, aged six years, who was drowned in the canal the previous day. It appears that the lad had been sent to the Biddulph Arms for milk, and in going there crossed over the canal at the Old Wharf Lock, and from some cause or other fell in. Some lads, who were near, heard a splash in the water, and went to the spot, where they discovered that the deceased had fallen in and was drowned. Assistance was procured as soon as possible and the child taken out, but he was, of course, quite dead. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts, but suggested that the lock railing should be put in a safer condition, which recommendation, we believe, has since been communicated to the authorities of the canal.